874K Disabilities Coalition Rally

Kentucky State Capitol Annex
Frankfort, KY 40601
United States
February 22, 2017,
10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Individuals with disabilities and their families, advocates and providers – more than 800 strong from all regions of Kentucky – will meet with their local legislators, Cabinet and Administration officials during the 874K Advocacy Event on February 22, 2017. The purpose of the event is to give policy-makers an opportunity to meet with their constituents to discuss services and supports that have been invested in Kentuckians with disabilities, the returns on those investments, and unmet needs which have not yet been addressed.

Those attending the event will be encouraged to make appointments to visit with their legislators, to attend legislative committee meetings and to speak with policy-makers and the media about their desire for self-determination and choice. The Governor and alllegislators will be invited to attend the Rotunda Rally.

Topics include barriers to employment, person-centered and consumer-directed services, inclusive education, changes in the Medicaid program, assistive technology, accessible transportation, housing, and the funding shortfalls which threaten needed services and supports. The United 874K Coalition is comprised of nearly 80 organizations representing individuals with disabilities and their families, advocates, providers and concerned citizens focusing on the needs of more than 874,000 Kentuckians.