Hands off Syria in Dallas

Dealey Plaza
400 Main St
Dallas, TX 75201
United States
April 7, 2017,
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Protest at Dealy Plaza against the latest US war, the war against Syria. This one threatens to drag the US into war with Russia, a major power.

Under the leadership of billionaire tycoon Donald Trump and ExxonMobile CEO Rex Tillerson, the United States has launched cruise missiles at yet another Middle Eastern country. Once again we are told it is only for human rights. Once again we are told that US intelligence clearly shows the government is responsible for an unspeakable atrocity.

George Bush and Colin Powell did not fool us when they said these things about Iraq. Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson will not fool us when they say these things about Syria.

There is not a single problem in Syria that US cruise missiles will solve.
