Pussy Riot, Planned Parenthood, Shaun King Rally 4 Women's Rights

Westlake Park
4th Ave
Seattle, WA 98101
United States
March 8, 2017,
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Fight Trump's misogyny and bigotry! Come rally for women's rights on March 8, 6pm, at Westlake Park!

Join me, the courageous and international known feminists Pussy Riot, Shaun King from the Injustice Boycott movement and the New York Daily News, Nicole Grant of the Martin Luther King Labor Council, Nikkita Oliver from Black Lives Matter and the No Youth Jail movement, Morgan Beach and Ruchika Tulshyan from the Seattle Women's Commission, Terri Lindeke of National Organization of Women Seattle, Tiffany Hankins from NARAL, a TBA speaker from Planned Parenthood, and more! 
