Rally to Protest Republican Zombie Healthcare Bill

201 W Front St
Media, PA 19063
United States
September 22, 2017,
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

It's alive!!!!!!

Just like the zombies in the worst movie you've ever seen, the Republican Healthcare Bill refuses to die. This time, it's called the Graham-Cassidy Bill.

Join us on Friday, September 22 on the plaza outside the Media Court House to protest this almost supernaturally resilient plan. To mix metaphors, let's put a stake in it this time!

Bring your signs and chants and meet us at 7:00 pm. 

For extra emphasis (and, hopefully, publicity), we are looking for a corps of Zombies to prowl the plaza during the rally. If you're game, we'll be there starting at 5:45 pm to transform you into a living, breathing Zombie representation of this bill. NOTE: Don't wear anything that you won't mind getting makeup on during the transformation process. Do wear ripped clothes if you have them. 

Jointly sponsored by H-CAN, Indivisible Upper Darby, Delco Indivisible, and other local Indivisible groups.
