Sacramento Central Labor Council Labor 101 Academy

2840 El Centro Rd
Sacramento, CA 95833
United States
February 10, 2018,
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

The Sacramento Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO believes that a healthy and sustainable economy is built by creating good jobs and effective government policy. Good government earns the trust of the people, champions the common good over narrow self-interest, and harnesses the strength of our diversity.

The Sacramento Central Labor Council works with our community allies and elected officials to develop and execute an economic agenda that shapes our region's economy and public policies to positively impact working families and our communities at-large.

The 2018 election year is right around the corner, and this very special Labor 101 Academy is designed to help candidates, electeds and community members understand working class issues, the public policies associated with our strong and dynamic Sacramento Labor Council and the greater labor movement. We invite you to attend this important educational event.