Featuring Laura Goodhue, VP of Public Policy and Executive Director of Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, at our October 17 meeting. Ms. Goodhue will be speaking on the critical topic of the threat to women's reproductive rights.
Laura will educate attendees on:
**The current challenges confronting Planned Parenthood
**The overt and covert efforts to discredit and defund Planned Parenthood
**Services actually provided by Planned Parenthood
**Current issues and legislation related to women’s reproductive health in Florida and nationally.
**Prioritize reproductive health issues and initiate effective advocacy that reduces the threat to our reproductive rights and the stigma of abortion
**Describe what local women leaders can do to promote accurate and timely information about the importance of protecting Planned Parenthood's funding and services.
This program is an important opportunity to educate, inform, and change the mindset of our community to help preserve our human right to reproductive freedom.