Taking a lunch break on Monday?
Do you have an account with Chase?
Next Monday: stand with #NoDAPL --and if you can, close that account.
Monday, February 13, 12 Noon, Break up with the Bank -- or come pack the bank lobby -- to protest Chase’s $312M investment in Energy Transfer Partners.
Are you willing to help us pack the Chase Bank lobby to disrupt business as usual? WE NEED YOU. OMG, do we need you. We need LOTS and LOTS of people. At least 500. Preferably 1,000 or more. (We want any regular bank customer who isn’t divesting or protesting the bank to face a packed-like-sardines bank that makes them prefer to come back later.)
You can help us reverse Austin’s history of keeping public money in dirty investments.
Support Standing Rock activists and people fighting for clean water.
Invest in a renewable future for Austin and Texas. The City of Austin has at least $1 million invested with JP Morgan Chase, possibly more with others. Show them how it’s done.