A Celebration of Choice: Milwaukee Clinic Defense

Affiliated Medical Services
1428 N Farwell Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53202
United States
April 14, 2017,
9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Every year on Good Friday, one of Wisconsin's few remaining abortion clinics faces an onslaught of harassment and abuse as anti-choice fanatics gather at Affiliated Medical Services. Make no mistake - these "protesters" are a vitriolic impediment to both clinic staff and women seeking health care. 

In response, feminist activists from Madison and Milwaukee will join forces in a peaceful counter protest to offer Affiliated Medical Services and its patients our love and support.

*Activists travelling from Madison can even take advantage of transportation to and from Milwaukee. 

Affiliated Medical Services is one of just three abortion clinics still in operation in the state of Wisconsin. They need and deserve our strong support. If we continue to let anti-choice demonstrators, organizations, and politicians define the conversation around reproductive rights in our state, they will eliminate abortion access.