On March 16th, 2017, Trump’s new version of the Muslim Ban will go into effect across the United States. The new ban still affects people from 6 Arab, Muslim, and African countries, including Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, and Syria. While the trump administration has tried to apply cosmetic changes by excluding legal permanent residents and those who already have visas, one thing is clear--It is Still a Muslim Ban.
The new ban is cloaked in the same xenophobic, Anti-Arab, and Anti-Muslim language of the first. In attacking our communities with the language of the War on Terror, it is clear that the goal is to further target and criminalize our communities through racism.
This ban also comes on the heels of the ramping up of ICE activity as a result of the DHS memos on immigration enforcement. These dangerous memos have created a climate of repression and fear across immigrant communities in the U.S., especially Mexicans and Central Americans. This is why the Chicago welcoming city ordinance amendments, now in the city council, are so important to be passed.
Lastly, this ban also comes as the DOJ, led by racist Jeff Sessions, has promised to further criminalize protests, and take the gloves off local police departments, like Chicago's, allowing them to get away with their brutality and crimes.
For these reasons, we say join us on March 16th at 4:30pm at 101 W Congress Parkway in downtown Chicago, as we so NO to the Muslim Ban, NO to ICE raids, and NO to the criminalization of Black communities and protest.