New year, same attacks on reproductive health and rights. But since day one of the Trump administration, we’ve grown stronger, and we will not stop until our basic rights are no longer under attack.
Join Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan for our first Detroit Activist Night of the new year! Continuing the resistance in 2018 begins with ourselves, so this month we’ll explore stories as a tool organizing, practice developing our story of self, and discuss how mastering our own stories can lead to creating change within our movement.
We’ll also have materials available to create Vision Boards to express our intentions for the new year.
Each of us has a story that can move others to action. In 2017, the #MeToo movement showed us how telling our stories can have a real impact on public dialogues and policy. It’s easy to ignore one voice, but ten voices, a hundred voices, half a million voices — that's a movement, and one that's simply impossible to ignore.