Community Voices Heard invites you all to come join the Poughkeepsie family as we march in the streets on May Day to uplift the working class struggle as it relates to saving the Poughkeepsie city public transportation, undocumented immigrants, public school students, and fighting any form of violence as a result of the pursuit of profit!
May Day PK will consist of speakers, rallies, and a march from the Family Partnership Center to City Hall. We will culminate at Poughkeepsie City Hall as the Poughkeepsie City Council Meeting begins where a sanctuary style legislation will be discussed to protect immigrants rights in Poughkeepsie!
Educate, Agitate, Organize!
Voces de la Comunidad les invita a unirse con la familia de Poughkeepsie cuando marchamos en las calles el Día de Mayo 1 para levantar las luchas de la clase trabajador, incluso a la lucha para salvar el sistema de transporte público de la ciudad de Poughkeepsie, inmigrantes indocumentados, estudiantes de escuela pública y cualquier forma de violencia que está pasando por la búsqueda de la ganancia.
El Día de Mayo 1 - PK va a tener oradores, concentraciones y una marcha. La marcha va a culminar en la alcaldía cuando la reunión del consejo de Poughkeepsie está empezando.
Educar, Agitar, Organizar!