Latinxs Against Trump Protest

Cloud Gate
Chicago, IL 60601
United States
February 25, 2017,
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Throughout all of the protesting going on I think we needed a protest centered around the hatred and lies Trump has spread about Mexicans and immigrants. Remember: We did not cross the border. The border crossed us. This protest is definitely open to ALL Latinos no matter where you are from. Chicago has a very large Latino community and we need to come out in solidarity with each other. It is also open to all people of color. Just come out and show your love and support for immigrants and everyone Trump has spoken badly about. Please invite every Latino friend you have! Share share share. We want this to be something BIG. Latinos need to show up and be HEARD. Come out with FLAGS representing where you're from. Signs, etc. We won't only be protesting just Trump, but we will be protesting immigration, workers rights and the U.S. taking advantage of immigrant workers, etc.