The internet - the world's most powerful education, entertainment, and communication tool - is in danger. If you enjoy your moments here on Facebook, binge-watching on Netflix, or Googling all of life's most interesting questions, you need to join our cause.
The FCC is voting to remove Net Neutrality rules that prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from destroying the internet as you imagine it.
If Net Neutrality is destroyed the ISPs will have full reign over the internet, this means you can expect to see things like internet fast lanes. What does that mean? Imagine having to pay extra money to access your favorite websites.
This effects more than just consumers. Anti-neutrality activists may argue that these pesky regulations decrease investments and infrastrucure developments. Comcast, one of the largest ISPs, made clear that this is just not true, these regulations are not lowering their investments.
Without Net Neutrality, ISPs can also force websites like Amazon to pay additional fees to be accessible. Can you imagine how much different the world would be if all of the garage-based startups of the world were forced to pay fees just to be seen by consumers?
Net Neutrality is in the best interest of all consumers, small businesses, and consumers and we need you to make a difference and support the cause.