On Earth day we march for science in our lives, in our community, and in public policy. Ours is an official satellite member of the national March for Science. We represent the diverse communities located within the White Mountains of Arizona.
The national March for Science advocates for a fully supported scientific community and for the inclusion of evidence based research in public policy. After all, science is a method designed to remove bias and identify a greater truth. We all benefit from scientific advancements. We all learn from experience. From curious children, to backyard birders, student researchers to members of government agencies, we are all scientists! On Earth Day we will march in solidarity for the kind of inquiry that promotes healthier ecosystems and healthier communities. We march to promote unity and reasoned discourse. We march in celebration of the diverse array of lab and field scientists, as well as students and laypersons, who contribute to the progress of human understanding in the White Mountains of Arizona.