May Day Rally and March: Omaha

501 N 33rd St
Omaha, NE 68131
United States
May 1, 2017,
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

We invite you to come show solidarity with working class people the world over, with exploited people the world over. May Day is an international workers’ holiday with a rich history of worker struggles and celebrating worker victories. Unfortunately, May Day is scarcely celebrated in the United States the way it is across the globe, despite having its origins in the Midwest. In a time when global elites are increasing their wealth and power at the expense of the masses, let us reclaim our midwestern heritage and stand in solidarity with one another and the oppressed.

Celebrate internationalism. Celebrate solidarity. Celebrate workers. Celebrate our community. Celebrate diversity. Fight oppression. Fight exploitation. Lock arms with your fellow workers and neighbors. Solidarity forever!
