Mean NRA Videos - Film Festival

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
1026 State St
Grinnell, IA 50112
United States
December 9, 2017, 10:00 am

The NRA has produced disturbing and videos starring conservative talk show personality and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, among others. Come to Solera for a film festival of these horror flicks, process the meaning, watch response videos various people and groups have made, and make your own video response! Treats will be provided.

These incendiary menacing NRA videos make it seem as if those who care about gun safety are out to demolish the 2nd Amendment- an untruth. Or that Americans who think gun safety is reasonable are un-American. Untrue. Or that wanting gun safety means all guns are going to be taken away. Untrue. Or that the Second Amendment means there can be no sensible gun safety regulations. An untruth that even Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia would say is untrue. 

To get an idea, watch this from home, where Dana Leosch says, "We are coming for you" - ostensibly to the New York Times, but also to all of us who care about gun safety. Link here:

Wayne LaPierre describes those who care about gun safety as haters and argues that Americans need to be armed against one another. Hard to watch, but very important to do so. This is NRA fear mongering at its worst.