Missoula Solidarity - Native Nations DC March and Camp

Missoula County Courthouse
200 W Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802
United States
March 10, 2017, 12:00 pm

- Water Protectors Stand together in strength & unity! March 10th is the Native Nations March in DC, and since many of us can't make it all the way there we want to show our support here in Missoula. 

*Monday 3/6 7pm City Council Meeting- Divest from DAPL 140 W. Pine St. Please show up to show your support for this movement. If you are willing and able, there is a comment portion at the beginning of the meeting where you can state your support for divesting from these banks who are funding DAPL and other pipelines.

*Tues-Thurs 3/7-3/9 Prayer and Solidarity Space 200 W. Broadway. 

*Friday 3/10 noon Solidarity March from Missoula County Courthouse to Army Corps Office. Bring a sign and a friend. 

*Saturday 1/11 noon Solidarity March from Missoula County Courthouse to Higgins Bridge. Bring a sign and a friend.

Power in numbers. Be there. Spread the word. Water is life.