#OurDream Solidarity Rally At Downtown Lakeland

E Main St / CR-542
Lakeland, FL 33801
United States
January 19, 2018,
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Every day the Dream Act does not pass, undocumented youth are at risk of detention and deportation. Thousands have already lost their work permits, jobs, and sense of safety. Be you DREAMer, an individual with Temporary Protection Status, or citizen not at risk for any immigration issues, we need as many people as possible to show their support and spread the message that broad public support is needed for the CLEAN Dream Act!

We must make clear the urgency of this crisis if the Dream Act doesn’t pass by Jan. 19.

Though Polk County is not known to be politically active (unless maybe when the issue is conservative in nature but even then not always,) we need as many as we can to understand that DREAMers and immigrants alike can include their own friends, coworkers and family. Today, we need them standing with DREAMers and contact their congressmen to pass the CLEAN Dream Act, or stand by as 800,000 young immigrants are deported.

Whoever and wherever you are, you can play a crucial role to convince others to do the same.

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