Awakening the Dreamer
Welcome to Awakening the Dreamer, a transformative educational program that explores the challenges facing humanity at this critical moment in time and the opportunities we as a human family have to create a new future.
A Transformative Personal Journey
In Awakening the Dreamer, you'll look squarely at the state of the world—where we are and how we got here—and then explore what role you can play in bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet.
Changing the Dream
Awakening the Dreamer was created in response to an invitation from the Achuar people of the Ecuadorian Amazon to work in partnership to shift the dominant culture of consumption and alienation to one that honors and sustains all life.
Where Are We?
You'll start with an examination of the ways in which the current "dream" of the modern world is impacting the environment, our relationship with one another, and our own sense of purpose.
How Did We Get Here?
You will explore how this all came to be, and confront the powerful unexamined assumptions that are at the heart of the current crisis we are in—as a species and as a planet.
A New Story
You’ll hear about the new story emerging at this time in history—a story that recognizes how profoundly connected everyone and everything is.
What is Possible Now?
You will come to see that a new future is possible and that a huge, unstoppable movement is already emerging and in action, committed to creating a new story for humanity.
Where Do We Go From Here?
You’ll look at actions you can take, on your own and with others, and new ways of being that are consistent with your vision and stand. And, you will have the opportunity to go deeper with the programs of Pachamama Alliance’s Up to Us engagement pathway.