Protest the 'White Pride March' in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Waverley railway station
United Kingdom
March 25, 2017,
12:45 pm to 2:30 pm

Shamefully, on 25th of March a ‘White Pride March’ has been called in Edinburgh. 

There is no pride in racism. There is no pride in fascism. There is no pride in white nationalism. 

We must stand up to fascism whenever and wherever it occurs. 

The racists plan to meet at 1pm Market Street entrance of Waverly Station and then go to the Covenanters memorial grassmarket for 1:30pm. 
So, we shall meet tham at Waverly and stop them even getting to the memorial. 

Join us in standing up to these abhorrent views and making it clear that we welcome people of all races and from different backgrounds here in Scotland.