Join us at Representative Yoder's Office to ask him to protect middle class families and to vote NO on the House Tax Bill.
The new tax bill released by the House GOP is a travesty that will injure ordinary Americans. But most Americans are not fooled by this charade: according to ABC, Americans oppose the Republican tax plan by a 17-pt. margin: 50-33%. And 60% say it favors the wealthy.
We in Kansas that lived through the Brownback Experiment know that this is not how to build an economic engine.
Let’s be clear: the GOP Tax Bill is a massive giveaway to the wealthy and corporations, paid for by raising taxes on some middle class families and forcing deep cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and education.
Congress must hear from us loud and clear that we see right through this tax scam and we oppose it.
Can you join us Thursday at noon to back this important message?