Claudia Tenney, Paul Ryan, and Republicans in Congress are rushing to pass their tax bill by the end of the week. The bill would dramatically cut taxes for major corporations and billionaires, while raising taxes on working-class New Yorkers.
Why are Republicans like Tenney going all-out to cut taxes for the rich?
Simple: They are the donors who pay for their political campaigns.
So far this year, Claudia Tenney has received:
$61,500 from the banking industry
$75,500 from the insurance industry
$21,500 from the housing industry
$13,500 from the telecom industry
$20,500 from the oil & gas industry
$17,385 from the defense industry
No wonder she's working overtime to cut their taxes!
Come to the protest with a sign either denouncing the GOP tax plan or calling out your "favorite" Tenney donor or donor industry.
There are so many to choose from!