Join us for an open town hall forum to hear Congressional candidates’ proposed solutions to the opioid epidemic.
What will the format of the event be? Candidates for West Virginia’s 1st Congressional District will present their plans to combat the opioid epidemic, then take questions from the audience. This will be a fully open public forum. The first ten questions to candidates will come from individuals who have or have had opioid dependencies, their families, and those helping them through recovery.
Who is invited? All candidates for the 1st Congressional district seat have been invited. Democratic candidates, Ralph Baxter and Kendra Fershee, have confirmed their attendance. Rep. David McKinley has not yet confirmed, but has been encouraged to attend and present his positions. All members of the public are encouraged to attend, especially those directly impacted by the crisis.
Why is this so important? West Virginia has the highest opioid death rate in the country and the death rate in Monongalia County is two-and- a-half times the national average. Regardless of
political affiliation, we all know loved ones who are affected by this crisis and we all have a stake in fighting it.
Is childcare provided? Yes!
What can I do to help? Forward this invite by social media, e-mail, and other means to friends and family you think might be interested and encourage candidates whose participation is not
confirmed to attend.