Un dia sin Immigrantes.
La marcha empezara a las 12:00 de la tarde en el parque de Garfield. El parking es gratis y tambien las calles al rededor. Sera una marcha/ Caminata pasifica respentando todos los semaforos. Caminaremos todas las banquetas y no acceptaremos ningun acto de violencia. Caminaremos en union y armonia. Pedimos que todos traigan una camisa Blanca. Pancartas y banners tambien. Esta no es una protesta ni tampoco una accion de desobediencia civil.
A day without immigrants!
The march will began at 12:00pm at Garfield park where parking is free and so are the streets around. It will be a peaceful march follow all street lights and walkway indications! We will be marching on the sidewalks and we will NOT tolerate any act of violence! We will walk in harmony and peace. We ask you to bring a white shirt and banners. This is not a protests nor a civil disobedience act!