Mansfield, OH
We collected events from February 2017-February 2018 and are no longer active. You can download the events, locations, organizers, and signs.
3 protests
April 22, 2017, 10:00 am
Mansfield, OH
May 12, 2017, 11:30 am
Mansfield, OH
Hands Off Our Healthcare, Pat!
Tiberi is attending a Chamber meeting this Friday at Snow Trails. Let's give him some much deserved attention. He can run, but he can't hide. We plan to assemble along the route on Possum Run Road. More details about the assembly location are...
February 20, 2018, 6:00 pm
Mansfield, OH
Campaign 101 with MidOhio Indivisible
Join us for Campaign 101 with Bill Wood and other grassroots volunteers. If you've never volunteered for a political campaign (or if it's been awhile), come learn the basics of how campaigns operate. This will be a great orientation to...