Sioux City, IA
We collected events from February 2017-February 2018 and are no longer active. You can download the events, locations, organizers, and signs.
April 15, 2017, 12:00 pm
Sioux City, IA
Tax March Sioux City
Details to follow...
April 15, we march!
1. Minorities are unfairly targeted by federal tax codes and typically pay a higher rate of taxes. We will not tolerate attacks of any kind against minorities in Iowa. 2. Donald Trump...
July 29, 2017, 10:30 am
Sioux City, IA
Our Lives On the Line Iowa - Sioux City Healthcare Town Hall
MORE DETAILS on City detail event TBA SOON!
December 6, 2017, 6:00 pm
Sioux City, IA
Bypassing the Patriarchy: The Impact of Women-Only Spaces
Please join us for a public discussion on the influence and effect of women-only spaces. Panelists will include Mandy Engle-Cartie, Executive Director of Girls , Inc. Jessica Ryan, Human Rights Commission staff person, and others. Light...
December 8, 2017, 11:30 am
Sioux City, IA
2017 Universal Human Rights Day Celebration
Please join us as we honor the recipients of the 2017 War Eagle Human Rights Award at our annual luncheon. Luncheon will be served. All are welcome.
Nominations for the War Eagle Award must be received by October 23rd. Contact the Human...
December 10, 2017, 2:00 pm
Sioux City, IA
Sioux City Speakers Bureau Training
Legislators want to hear from LGBTQ Iowans, and transgender Iowans in particular. That’s why we’re building a Speakers Bureau of trained LGBTQ Iowans and allies who are equipped with the skills to speak publicly and start meaningful dialogues...
January 6, 2018, 11:00 am
Sioux City, IA
Sioux City Area NOW January Meeting
Monthly Sioux City Area NOW meeting