Watsonville, CA
We collected events from February 2017-February 2018 and are no longer active. You can download the events, locations, organizers, and signs.
2 protests
February 16, 2017, 12:00 pm
Watsonville, CA
Día Sin Inmigrantes!
Esta protesta nacional es para mostrar a nuestra nación cuántxs de nosotrxs realmente hay. ¡Lxs inmigrantes son la base de este país! Somos más poderosxs como uno! Estamos sin remordimientos y sin miedo!
This national protest is to show...
June 3, 2017, 1:00 pm
Watsonville, CA
March For Truth Watsonville
We are joining the #MarchForTruth on Saturday, June 3rd to raise our voices and let our elected leaders know that Americans want answers. The legitimacy of our democracy is more important than the interests of any party, or any President. So,...