Coalition For Democracy
The Mission of the Coalition for Democracy is to encourage the citizens of West Virginia to be well-informed and engaged citizen activists.
2 protests
February 11, 2018, 12:00 pm
Charles Town, WV
Coalition for Democracy Voter Registration Drive / Meet & Greet
Alfredo has asked CfD to host a Voter Registration Drive and we can't think of a better way to start off 2018!
YOUR VOTE IS YOUR VOICE! So, come out, register to vote, and enjoy light refreshments and live music with other people in our...
July 30, 2017, 8:00 pm
Shepherdstown, WV
Candlelight Vigil For The Brave
This vigil is to honor all service members who have given their lives for and to this country. Patriotism sees no race, gender, identity, or sexual orientation and we find it incredibly divisive that the president has created these arbitrary...