DC Immigrant Organizing Center
The DC Immigrant Organizing Center serves as a multi-ethnic space for immigrants to come together to receive political and popular education in the practice of organizing, and as a nexus for coordinated immigrant-led action to protect our communities.
March 13, 2017, 6:30 pm
Washington, DC
Immigrant Community Gathering / ReuniĆ³n Comunitaria Inmigrante
DC is our home! Our immigrant communities from across the city are coming together to discuss how we can support each other and stand together in these difficult times. With the orange man as president disrespecting and speaking ill of our...
March 11, 2017, 2:00 pm
Washington, DC
Build the Resistance: Immigrant Community Day of Outreach!
Grassroots organizing and the fight back are the key ingredients to ensuring we live in a just world. It is urgent now more than ever to build our power and lift up our demands and vision for change. There are no shortcuts to power building!...