Indivisible SC4

Indivisible group of SC's 4th district, Greenville/Spartanburg, resisting the Trump agenda

2 protests

July 15, 2017, 2:00 pm

Greenville, SC

The Facts About Trumpcare

Learn the TRUTH about Trumpcare, both the House and Senate versions. How many people will lose their health insurance? How many people will lose their jobs? How many people will DIE to give a HUGE TAX BREAK to millionaires and billionaires?...

July 8, 2017, 8:00 pm

Greenville, SC

Candlelight Overnight Die-In for Healthcare

The Senate GOP is trying to jam legislation through to repeal Obamacare and deeply slash Medicaid. This legislation would endanger health care for tens of millions of Americans. We are joining together to oppose this dangerous agenda and to...