Moms Demand Action - IN
Join the non-partisan movement of Americans demanding reasonable solutions to address our nation’s culture of gun violence
December 17, 2017, 5:00 pm
Bloomington, IN
Bloomington — Sandy Hook 5th Anniversary— GV Survivors' Vigil
Please join Indiana Moms, gun-violence survivors, special guests, and friends in in Bloomington on December 17th for a public vigil commemorating the 5th anniversary of the 2012 shooting that took the lives of twenty young children and six...
December 15, 2017, 7:00 pm
South Bend, IN
Northern Indiana Vigil to End Gun Violence
Please join Everytown for Gun Safety, Moms Demand Action, and partner organizations for an event to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Sandy Hook School shooting and honor the lives lost to gun violence.
December 14, 2017, 4:30 pm
Indianapolis, IN
INDY— Sandy Hook 5th Anniversary — Gun Violence Survivors' Vigil
Please join Indiana Moms, gun-violence survivors, special guests, and friends on December 14th in downtown Indianapolis for a public vigil commemorating the 5th anniversary of the 2012 shooting that took the lives of twenty young children and...
December 14, 2017, 5:15 pm
Columbus, IN
Columbus— Sandy Hook 5th Anniversary— GV Survivors' Vigil
Please join Indiana Moms, gun-violence survivors, special guests, and friends in Columbus on December 14th for a public vigil commemorating the 5th anniversary of the 2012 shooting that took the lives of twenty young children and six educators...
December 14, 2017, 5:00 pm
Fort Wayne, IN
FW — Sandy Hook 5th Anniversary — Gun Violence Survivor Vigil
Please join Indiana Moms, gun-violence survivors, special guests, and friends in Fort Wayne on December 14th for a public vigil commemorating the 5th anniversary of the 2012 shooting that took the lives of twenty young children and six...
December 13, 2017, 6:30 pm
Lafayette, IN
Lafayette — Sandy Hook 5th Anniversary — GV Survivor Vigil
Please join Indiana Moms, gun-violence survivors, special guests, and friends in Lafayette on December 13th for a public vigil commemorating the 5th anniversary of the 2012 shooting that took the lives of twenty young children and six educators...