Stuart, FL
3 protests
March 7, 2017, 4:00 pm
Stuart, FL
Awake the State
We will RALLY to let people know thet March 7th is the first day of legeslative session. We will have signs supporting Senator Negron's land buy bill and a statewide ban on fracking. Come join us!
March 8, 2017, 5:00 am
Stuart, FL
A Day Without A Woman Strike: Stuart
In the spirit of women and their allies coming together for love and liberation, we offer A Day Without A Woman. We ask: do businesses support our communities, or do they drain our communities? Do they strive for gender equity or do they...
March 11, 2017, 4:00 pm
Stuart, FL
ACLU annual meeting and training
Please join the Treasure Coast Chapter of the ACLU of Florida for its 2017 Annual Meeting & Training. The meeting & training is free and open to the public, but you must RSVP