Green Alliance of Southwest Missouri
The Green Alliance of Southwest Missouri seeks to promote racial, economic and environmental education, while advancing human equality, community, and environmental cohesion.
January 27, 2018, 4:00 pm
Joplin, MO
Green Party Monthly Meeting
Join us for our Monthly General GP Meeting. Come and learn more about the Green Party, our chapter and what we're doing to energize and strengthen our communities!
The Green Party is an officially recognized political party in...
April 22, 2017, 11:00 am
Joplin, MO
Joplin Earth Day March and Rally for Science
***FREE EARTH DAY GIFT*** Come show your support for the Earth and Science, and recieve a FREE Flowering Plum, Loblolly Pine, or Washington Hawthorn seedling!!! Limit 1 per person. 200 available!
***Event Speakers*** KSN...
January 31, 2017, 3:00 pm
Joplin, MO
NO Ban, NO Hate Rally
Meet us in the parking lot on the North side of 171 (Airport Drive [airport lookout location]) at the Joplin Regional Airport, to voice your opposition to the Travel Ban, and stand in solidarity with immigrants and refugees everywhere!