Action Utah
Action Utah is a non-partisan community action hub mobilizing ordinary citizens like you by bringing you information about the issues and the actions you can take on a weekly and urgent basis to effect change.
January 24, 2018, 7:00 pm
Salt Lake City, UT
Annual Legislative Preview: How To Impact State Policy
Legislators will present great bills from Action Utah's curated list of state legislation that need community support during the 2018 State Legislative Session. We'll also cover Community Lobbying 101 to help ordinary people like you and me...
January 10, 2018, 12:00 pm
Salt Lake City, UT
Women's Advocacy Seminar: Impact Policies that Impact Women
Learn about community advocacy and how women can impact good legislation supporting women and family economic prosperity during the upcoming 2018 State Legislative Session. Action Utah and the Women's Leadership Institute will guide you through...
May 17, 2017, 12:00 pm
Salt Lake City, UT
Community Lobbying 102: Intro to the State Legislature
Take a lunch break with Action Utah to advance your community lobbying skills with a tour of Capitol Hill as we cover what the state legislature is, how the legislative session works and how the interim session works. With Tara Rollins,...